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Official statement

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Official statement

Dear Colleagues!

One of the main aspects of improving the quality of life of people and the competitiveness of our economy is the stable development of business in close cooperation with the state and society. Business associations should play a special role in this process.

By creating the Russian Waste Recycling Association, we have taken the first step towards establishing a new industry in our country - the waste disposal industry.

Membership based organization, the Association has the ability to hear and broadcast the voice of each member actively expressing their position, both on the platforms within the Association and within the framework of joint constructive work with government, business and society.

We are aware that the critical mass of problems caused by the imperfection of the Russian waste management system cannot be solved in a short time. We need joint work with the state, which can lead to the creation in Russia of an effective waste disposal system based on the use of innovative technologies and solutions.

The main purpose of the creation of the WRA is to promote the mass introduction of high-tech and competitive solutions in the field of waste management in the Russian market.

Our mission is to assist in the implementation of extended responsibility, the implementation of environmental projects, and the protection of the interests of the members of the Association.

In the future, we have a lot of hard work to do to create favorable organizational, legal and economic conditions necessary for the development of the waste management industry.

We look to the future with optimism and are confident that we will be able to achieve the goals set for the Association.

We are open for cooperation and will be glad to hear your opinion on the problems of waste management and possible ways to solve them.